Chislehurst, Bromley, England


Chislehurst Caves

Chislehurt Caves is a tourist attraction comprising of approximately 22 miles of tunnels. They are entirely man-made and were dug and used as chalk and flint mines. The earliest mention of the mines is around 1250 and they are believed to have been last worked in the 1830's.


The Caves are reputedly haunted by the ghost of a girl was who reportedly killed during a cave collapse in 1939, and child-like giggling and crying have been reported. A White Lady emerges from one of the subterranean pools. Some find the atmosphere very oppressive. Pictured left is an interior shot courtesy of Secretlondon.

Chislehurst Caves,

Caveside Close,

Old Hill,

Chislehurst, BR7 5NL.


For further information, please visit:


The Caves appeared on the TV program, Most Haunted. It was featured in 2 episodes in Series 10 (2008).


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

Chislehurst is a town in south east London, England and a part of the London Borough of Bromley.

It borders the London Boroughs of Bexley and Greenwich, and lies east of Bromley and south west of Sidcup. It is 10.5 miles south east of Charing Cross.

Pictured left is the entrance to Chislehurst courtesy of Ian Capper. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.